Another Lesson Learned
This week has been an exhausting week for me as I have added two new clients to my company’s portfolio. I had to move over both client’s websites and emails to a new server. In the process one of the client’s email service was unexpectedly interrupted. Initially I had planned for a perfectly seamless process in migrating to the new server. Unfortunately, there were a couple bumps along the way. In the process I learned a valuable lesson that while maybe obvious, it is an important one to remember when you are in overdrive mode trying to resolve an urgent problem.
Rule 2: An Immediate Solution Is Nowhere Near as Important As An Immediate Response
When dealing with my client’s frustrations toward the end of the week I found the client to be particularly flexible even during the downtime. While this isn’t always the case (especially if they had experienced a couple days of downtime), I’ve concluded that simply answering the phone when they called provided them with peace of mind. Obviously, there are always exceptions to the rule and at some point I will end up with a difficult client who prefers having someone to complain to rather than experience a harmonious relationship. For now, I will enjoy the luxury of satisfied, flexible clients.